Re:imagine Catholic Christianity (Book Introduction)

We all have a past, a lineage, and a family tree whether we know it or not. For most evangelical Christians, including myself, we have been ignorant of it. I remember when I first became interested in the history of my faith—looking to examples such as D.L Moody, Charles Spurgeon, John Wesley, and Johnathan Edwards.Continue reading “Re:imagine Catholic Christianity (Book Introduction)”

The Feast of St Lawrence, the Martyr and Deacon of Rome

I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds. -John 12:24 The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the Church.  -Tertullian in his work Apologeticus, Chapter 50. Yesterday was the Feast ofContinue reading “The Feast of St Lawrence, the Martyr and Deacon of Rome”

Jesus without the Church?

Where in the Bible do you see Jesus personally endorsing Popes, Priests, and Bishops? Doesn’t Jesus speak against organized religion and the traditions of men? Isn’t the Catholic Church a human invention and a distortion of what Jesus started? Many non-Christians and more and more Protestant Christians are claiming to follow a Jesus who hasContinue reading “Jesus without the Church?”

Evidence of the Eucharist from the Early Church’s Mouth

Most Christians (1 billion Catholics, 400 million Orthodox) believe that during Communion they literally approach the Cross and Christ’s Sacrifice from 2000 years ago and partake of His Body and Blood. Why? Because the Cross was a Cosmic event that touched on all points of time, making the Sacrifice available by the Holy Spirit forContinue reading “Evidence of the Eucharist from the Early Church’s Mouth”

The Word ‘Katholikos’

The word ‘katholikos’ (translated ‘whole’ or ‘universal’) was first recorded to be used by Ignatius, the Bishop of Antioch, who was executed and martyred by the Romans for his faith around 107-112 AD. As an overseer or guardian of the Church (episkopos, often translated as bishop into english), he was entrusted with the ‘serious business’ of keeping watch overContinue reading “The Word ‘Katholikos’”

Discovering Catholic Christianity

Welcome to “RE:IMAGINE,” a safe place dedicated to the authentic discovery of Catholic Christianity. This site is for everyone, though some of the terminology and ideas may be easier for a Christian to understand. On the other hand, someone who is a non-Christian may be able to see and receive some of the Catholic treasures beforeContinue reading “Discovering Catholic Christianity”